yeah so spring is pretty much here and I couldn't be more happy..Although I didn't get to board much because there never was enough snow to actually go snowboarding(only a few times)..and another shitty thing is there was always to much snow to ride..so this winter really sucked for me. I actually got to ride a bit today on my grind box though..I came to the conclusion I need to start riding everyday again because I'm actually sore for once. My hands have blisters too..WTF I could ride all day everyday before and not be sore at all and never have these nagging blisters. such a bitch.
Due to springs arrival we will be able to start building on the local skate park..soo pyshed on that..not many parks have an option of park&trails..we're some lucky fucks..I mean, after how long did we try to get one built before? at least 15 years or at least to my knowledge. I remember walking around town with petitions and all that shit back in the day. We'll have the park done by the end of summer for sure. And totally off topic, another thing I'm stoked on is I start my new job Monday @ WestCode..only bad part is it's on St. Patty's day but, gota do what you gota do.oh yeah and i think i like this blogspot shit more than myspace.
yeah i said it.
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