Sunday, April 13, 2008

summma timmme

My windshield gets fixed this Monday..can't wait too have my car back. Drank a lot this weekend..feel somewhat retarded..Hurricane 40's will own you.
Oh yeah, I'm so retarded from all the drinking I almost forgot about our cook out we had on Saturday..that shit was real's going to be a good summer.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Pics from today..

Ash took a few pics when we went overtown..pyshed on this nice weather.


Wooo...Been awhile since I updated this dang ol thing..Been busy working, riding and, drinking. Works pretty kickass.. its nice to be able to go out and afford shit. Went out too see Rock Garden and Audrey's Stone at magic city last was pretty kick being hammered (hamburged) and hearing some live AC/DC. Should be geting the car on the road this week :)..can't wait for that. Then hopefully moving out at the end of this month..It's so nice out today I gota go ride.

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